Biggest Risk Is Not The One You Don’t Take, But The One You Don’t See
“The biggest risk is the one you don’t take” is a mantra
you’ll hear motivational speakers deliver in their presentations to make the
argument that you should throw all caution to the wind and go for it
(whatever “it” is).
And while that may be a good piece of advice to get someone
to take action on an idea (and get the speaker applause at the end of their presentation),
truly smart, experienced entrepreneurs and business executives NEVER throw
“caution to the wind” and take wild risks. They take calculated
risks, weighing consequences and putting buffers, hedges, and checks in place
to reduce the risk and potential losses. They look for the risk because they know
unchecked optimism is not only foolish, but dangerous, and Murphy is always
standing by with a big wrench in hand, ready to throw it into your best-laid
If you follow Warren Buffett’s two rules of investing,
you’ll see this same caution: Rule #1 – Never lose money. Rule #2 – Never forget
Rule #1.
A good question to ask yourself is where are YOU putting
your business and your money at undue risk? While you cannot prepare for and
prevent EVERY risk in your business, one area where we see a lot of businesses
taking huge, unmitigated risks is with their data and cyber security.
Despite the overwhelming evidence that the risk and the
financial consequences of cyber-attacks are enormous, we still hear, “Nobody is
going to hack us…we don’t have anything they want,” or “We can’t get hacked
because _____,” with the blank being things like “we use cloud applications” or
“we have a good firewall,” “our people are too smart to click on bad links in
e-mails,” or other similar “reasons” for their false sense of security. They explain
it away.
Candidly, it’s our belief that this is not founded in confidence
and logical thought but based in a willful neglect and a desire to avoid
spending the funds necessary to truly secure their data, their business, their
finances. And while I completely understand that nobody wants to spend a lot of
money on IT, the risk doesn’t cease to exist just because you choose to
ignore it.
One of the smartest investors in the world, Howard Marks,
CEO of Oaktree Financial, said, paraphrased, the less risk you perceive, the
more risk there is. For example, if I don’t think there’s any chance I can die
in a car wreck on my way to the store, I’ll fail to put on my seat belt, text
while I drive and be a lot less cautious about paying attention to the road
than if I thought there was a very high chance I could be in a fatal crash. The
lower the risk perceived, the higher the risk actually is, because we lower our
guard and don’t protect against it.
That’s exactly why small businesses are the #1 target for
hackers. They’re EASY prey. Sure, they don’t get the bragging rights of bringing
down a company like Dole or hacking into Microsoft Azure, but hacking millions
of small businesses for a few thousand dollars each in ransomware pays. You
just don’t hear about these attacks because they don’t make the evening news,
just like you don’t hear about the 6 MILLION car wrecks that happen every year.
Only the big ones – or the ones that seriously impact rush hour traffic – get
If you are not all that certain that you are truly and fully
protected against such hacks, click
here to schedule a brief discovery call with us. We can conduct a quick and
easy cyber security risk assessment and tell you for sure if your current IT
company is protecting you, and what level of risk you’re at for a cyber-attack.
It’s free and comes with no expectations or cost.
Remember, not all successes are measured in gains secured.
Sometimes success is defined as losses avoided. If you were given the chance to
go back in time and unwind 2 or 3 financial, business or life decisions you’ve
made, knowing what you know now, I’m sure everyone would take that opportunity.
Most likely, you’d go back and warn yourself about dumb mistakes you made and
put protections in place to avoid losses you incurred. Sadly, there’s no genie
in a bottle to make that happen, so an ounce of prevention against cyber-attack
IS, without a doubt, worth a pound of cure. Call us today at (413) 786-9675 for your FREE Cyber
Security Risk Assessment.
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